Are you looking for high-performance industrial landscaping equipment? We have the Finn Corporation HydroSeeders, blowers and attachments you need to tackle even the most challenging jobs. At Stowers Machinery Company, we offer a wide range of commercial and industrial machines that you can use for seeding, erosion control and soil restoration. Check out our selection to find the equipment you need for your next landscaping project.

Superior Finn Landscaping Equipment

Finn has over 80 years of experience in the landscaping industry, from revolutionizing the hydroseeding process to providing reliable equipment for projects of all kinds. At Stowers Cat, we have a range of Finn models that will increase your productivity, save labor and reduce costs.


The Finn HydroSeeder is a game-changer for industrial and commercial landscaping projects. You can quickly and efficiently spray a mix of seeds and fertilizer over a broad area with this series of seeders. Featuring patented innovations to boost performance, increased horsepower and more versatility than ever, the TITAN HT330/400 HydroSeeder is a must-have for your next erosion control job.

Assorted Blowers

Our range of Finn equipment includes straw, material, bark and mulch blowers. Whether you’re applying materials for landscaping, topdressing or undertaking a soil restoration project, industrial Finn blowers provide an even, controlled spread on virtually any surface. The simplified control system makes these blowers reliable and easy to operate.

Additional Equipment

We carry an array of HydroSeeder tanks with working capacities that range from 335 to 1500 gallons. You’ll be able to haul the liquid materials you need for any project, large or small. Stowers Cat also has attachments to further enhance your machine’s capabilities, like the Krimper Attachment to anchor straw or hay into the soil for various seeding jobs.

Stowers Has the Landscaping Equipment You Need

Stowers Machinery Corporation offers a range of Finn equipment for all of your seeding, erosion control and other landscaping projects. We’re proud to serve East Tennessee with high-quality machines, factory-trained technicians and the best parts available.

We’re committed to ensuring you get the most out of your Stowers Cat products. Our support team will guide you through the sales process, from financing and selecting the right equipment to follow up after the purchase to guarantee your satisfaction.

If you’re looking for the heavy-duty performance of a Finn HydroSeeder or blower, Stowers has the products for you. Check out our selection of Finn equipment for sale and request a quote today.