Welding & Fabrication

Welding and Fabrication Services

Stowers offers a wide variety of welding and fabrication services:

Fabrication: Stowers welding shops have the capability to build and modify components to meet your needs for customized equipment.

Salvage: Roller frames, buckets, and blades can get a second life with the proper rebuilding. Stowers welding shops can bring these components back to like-new condition.

Boring Bar: Worn pin bores can be welded and rebored to original specs to help you maximize service life and achieve top production from your equipment. Wheel loader center pins, articulation joints, truck bed hinge pins, and loader bucket and linkage pins are just a few examples of wear points that can be rebuilt to like-new condition. Whether performed in the field by Stowers fully equipped boring and welding service trucks or in the shop, you are assured a first-class repair.