Stationary Engine Emissions Solutions

Cat emissions retrofit solutions extend beyond machines, trucks, and school buses to include stationary engines used in power generation, air compression, water pumps, and gas compression applications. The end result is lower airborne emissions, proving that retrofit technology is a cost-effective solution to reduce emissions in older engines.

Particulate Filters

Cat Diesel Particulate Filters are ARB verified and designed to retrofit Cat 3500 series diesel engines. A properly sized and installed particulate filter results in significant reduction in particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. These filters are also self-regenerating, which means they do not need to be replaced. Instead, they will “burn off” the accumulated soot periodically.

Oxidation Catalysts

Reduced emissions are the result of converting carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and aldehydes into carbon dioxide and water. Cat Diesel and Gas Oxidation Catalyst kits are one of the aftertreatment products available for retrofit of existing 3400, 3500, and 3600 diesel and gas stationary engines. These kits are easily installed, providing you a quick way to lower emissions, and they are available in two configurations to meet your needs.

Selective Catalytic Reduction

Our Selective Catalytic Reduction system for stationary applications offers the most durable and reliable process for reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) from combustion sources, with no impact on engine performance. The system works by treating exhaust gas after it leaves the engine. The Selective Catalytic Reduction system offers several competitive advantages over other products, including unparalleled product support and system integration provided by Stowers Power Systems, and is available as a retrofit for 3500 and 3600 series diesel engines.

Ready to Learn More?

Contact your Stowers Power Systems product support sales representative for more information on Cat emissions solutions for your Cat stationary engine.