LT118 Landscape Tiller

Cat® Landscape Tillers are designed for breaking up and pulverizing soil, mixing compost or other materials into existing soil, and stabilizing and leveling existing terrain in landscape finish applications. They are ideal for residential, commercial, agricultural, building construction, lawn care and golf course maintenance applications.


Working Width 72.8in
Working Depth 25-152 mm (1-6 in)
Weight 925.9lb
Overall Width 89.4in
Height 29.7in
Length 37.6in
Optimal Hydraulic Flow 60-114 L/min (16-30 gpm)
Optimal Hydraulic Pressure 207-310 bar (3000-4500 psi)
Motor Displacement 38.4in³
Drum Speed 127 rpm @ 80 L/min (21 gpm)
Number of Hard Face Tines 36
Required Hydraulics Standard Flow

Standard Equipment

Optional Equipment